Full-length paper submission

How to submit your full paper

Abstract notifications were sent on October 20.  For all accepted abstracts a full-length paper must be done until 31 January 2024. The submisson of the full paper is  only possible via the online submission platform (link below). Please use the template to prepare your full paper and submit it via the online submission platform.

Rules and Guidelines

Please adhere to the following submission guidelines:

  • Your full-paper should be written in English.
  • Please provide a PDF file bases on the template given by the organizers.
  • The PDF must be submitted via the submission platform:
    • Navigate to the submission system or use the button above
    • use your e-mail and your password to login.
    • if you are do not remember your password, please use the password revovery tool with your e-mail.
    • Go to „Your account“, and to „Submissions“. 
    • You will see an upload button which is for the full paper upload.
  • Indexes are created for the proceedings. This information comes only from the database given in the abstract system, NOT  from the PDF Full paper. Please edit your abstract in the submission platform accordingly and name all your authors correctly, so that these entries in the author index of the proceedings are correct!
  • All submitted full-papers can be edited until the submission deadline. To view or edit your full-paper please use this link and log in to your abstract submission account.
  • Only proceedings from registered delegates who paid the registration fees in full will be published in the abstract book. Registation starts in January.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

SWINTH-2024 Conference Office

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